ffmpeg Video Editing Hacks

ffmpeg is a powerful command line tool for processing video and audio files. ffmpeg can do just about anything you can imagine with media files. The trouble is in understanding how to invoke the program correctly. There are a few options that require some Linux and multimedia expertise to get right. This article covers a couple handy ffmpeg hacks that have made much of the audio/visual content on this website possible....

July 15, 2024 · 4 min

Ulam Spiral

The Ulam spiral is a graphical depiction of a set of prime numbers devised by the mathematician Stanislaw Ulam. To quote the Wiki, it’s constructed by writing the positive integers in a square spiral and specially marking the prime numbers. The outcome is a square with distinct diagonal, horizontal, and vertical lines. This post will walk through the development of a Ulam spiral visualization tool. Creating a Ulam Spiral Take a look at the 4x4 Ulam spiral below:...

May 2, 2024 · 8 min

Caesar Cipher

The Caesar Cipher (CC) is a classic symmetric key algorithm dating back to the time of Julius Caesar. If you are new to cryptography, the Caesar Cipher is a great first crypto algorithm to learn. This post will walk through the details of implementing a CC encrypt/decrypt function. You’ll then get a look at the internals of a CC code cracker. Algorithm Description There are four key ingredients to a Caesar Cipher:...

April 9, 2024 · 9 min

An Interview with Shared Pointers

Have you implemented a shared pointer class in C++? If you have, did you do it in an interview setting? You might be familiar with the STL shared_ptr and the fact that many implementations of shared_ptr use reference counting to manage the lifetime of a dynamically allocated object. That said, if you’ve never thought about or tried to actually implement the concept itself, doing so in an interview is a tall order....

March 9, 2024 · 7 min

Linux Kernel Development Using QEMU

This article gives an overview of how to setup a Linux kernel development environment that leverages QEMU. Why should you bother with this setup? Here are the highlights: Make changes to core kernel code or modules without the risk of loading buggy kernel code onto real hardware. Up the speed of the edit, build, run cycle while developing kernel code. The ability to test code across different architectures (for example, aarch64, x86_64, etc....

February 20, 2024 · 8 min

The Sierpinski Triangle

Do you remember when you first learned about recursion? The thought triggered a memory from an old CS101 Java course. The textbook had some fractal triangle thing made with only 20 lines of code. At the time, it was a confusing 20 lines of code. A quick search on Google for “fractal triangle recursion” led straight to the Sierpinski triangle. A Sierpinski triangle generator with an ncurses visualization is a fun afternoon project....

February 7, 2024 · 6 min

Using GoogleTest with CMake

If you’ve worked in a large C++ codebase within the last couple of years, you’ve probably come across the GoogleTest unit testing framework. Chances are you’ve also encountered everyone’s favorite build generator: CMake. In this article, you will see two options for integrating GoogleTest into your next CMake project. The content that follows is largely a condensed version of the tips found in “An Introduction to Modern CMake”. This post summarizes the bits relevant to using CMake with GoogleTest to act as a quick reference when setting up future projects....

January 23, 2024 · 3 min

Signing Git Commits With GPG

If you’ve been around the open source community long enough, you’ve probably heard of people signing their VCS commits/tags. This post covers the why and how of signing your Git commits. The focus will be on commits but keep in mind that these tips equally apply to tags. Why Sign Your Commits The short answer is, signing your commits makes it harder for an attacker to impersonate you. Sure, if you work solo on rinky-dink toy projects, having your commits signed isn’t a big deal....

January 21, 2024 · 6 min

Dotfile Mgmt With GNU Stow

Do you have a bunch of dotfiles? Do you maintain a GitHub repo with all your dotfiles? Whenever you upgrade your machine, do you find yourself manually placing the dotfiles in the right spots in your home directory? If you answered yes to these questions, read on. Enter GNU Stow GNU Stow is a dotfile management utility. Stow has all the makings of a varsity athlete: Stow is small (a 32KB Perl script)....

January 20, 2024 · 2 min

The Game of Life

If you grind old Advent of Code problems, you might notice a particular style of problem crop up more than once. The people of Reddit refer to their solutions as a variation of Conway’s Game of Life (GoL). Wikipedia has a great article on GoL. The animations are eye catching. The Wiki serves as motivation for a terminal app that visualizes GoL simulations. Rules of the Game What are the GoL rules?...

December 1, 2023 · 5 min