When debugging an embedded system, it’s common to work with raw data requiring conversion between decimal, hexadecimal, binary, and sometimes octal number systems. The Python REPL and printf shell utility do the job but are tedious to use for the simple task of base conversion.

It would be nice to drop the overhead of format specifiers and fear of numerical limits. To ease the pain, I decided to write a command line utility that made conversion between positive binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal numbers of arbitrary size.

The Requirements

The use case is simple: take a positive integer in one base and convert it to the equivalent value in another base. That’s it. Support for negative values and floating point values is out of scope.

The program usage would look something like


where SRC_BASE/TGT_BASE are one of bin, dec, oct, or hex. NUM is some positive integer value.

Below are the requirements:

  1. Support conversions to/from binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal.
  2. Include an option for minimum output width.
  3. Include an option to group digits into segments of size N.
  4. Support arbitrarily large positive integers.

Requirement (1) is self explanatory. Requirement (2) means you can pad the output value with zeroes to achieve a minimum width. For example, pad the binary value 1111 to 8-bits leading to an output of 00001111. Requirement (3) is handy when you want to visualize binary or hex codes in groups of 4, 8, etc. digits. Taking the previous binary value of 00001111, maybe you want to group the bits into nibbles 0000 1111 or into 2 digits codes 00 00 11 11. Requirement (4) seems a bit extra but it has its value. Visualizing a large stream of hex values in binary is a common task. Exceeding the max integer limit for the system/program is also a common occurrence. This dhb tool should handle numbers outside the range of a uint64_t without breaking a sweat.

Lets look at how dhb meets each of these requirements starting with that bignum requirement.

Big, Huge Numbers

If you’re familiar with C++, you know the range of positive integers a program can work with is finite. There’s no standard “big number” library either.

Google search revealed a number of big number libraries. Most of the libraries are unmaintained, header-only libraries. The best option was the GNU MP Library (GMP). To quote the GMP homepage:

GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers. There is no practical limit to the precision except the ones implied by the available memory in the machine GMP runs on. GMP has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface.

GMP has a convenient C++ class based interface. The docs for how to use the C++ bindings and for GNU MP in general are solid. GMP is a perfect fit for this project.


The only info needed to perform a conversion is the number, that number’s current base, and a target base. The conversion API accommodates this spec using one function and an enum:

enum NumSystem : int {
    kDec = 10,
    kHex = 16,
    kBin = 2,
    kOct = 8,

std::string ConvertBase(const std::string& num, const NumSystem src, const NumSystem target) {
    const mpz_class kTargetBase(static_cast<int>(target));
    const std::string kDigits("0123456789ABCDEF");

    std::string converted_num;
    mpz_class num_mp(num, static_cast<int>(src));
    while (num_mp) {
        mpz_class idx = num_mp % kTargetBase;
        converted_num += kDigits[idx.get_si()];
        num_mp /= kTargetBase;
    std::reverse(converted_num.begin(), converted_num.end());

    return converted_num;

The algorithm for conversion is the usual change of base method which uses modulo and integer division to compute the digits of the output number one-by-one. The mpz_class is a GMP C++ wrapper class used to construct and manipulate big integral values. You can see mpz_class overloads the arithmetic operators such that the code doesn’t look much different than if one were to use the C/C++ built-in types.

One neat feature of GMP is the ability to construct an mpz_class object from a number represented as a string and its base. That feature makes implementation easier because you don’t have to massage the input into a format GMP understands. The constructor does throw std::invalid_arg if given an unsupported base argument. To avoid exceptions, the caller specifies the base using a NumSystem type which limits the caller to the bases known to the mpz_class constructor.

Formatting Output

Looking back at the requirements, there’s two formatting options to implement: minimum character width and digit grouping.

The minimum character width function was trivial to implement using a stringstream object in combination with stream modifiers:

std::string SetWidth(const std::string& num, int width) {
    if (width <= 0) {
        return num;

    std::stringstream ss(num);
    ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(width) << num;

    return ss.str();

Not much to say here. The stream object will just slap zeroes onto the front of the number until it meets the width argument.

Segmenting the output’s digits into groups was a bit of a CS101 exercise:

std::string GroupDigits(const std::string& num, int grouping) {
    if ((grouping <= 0) || (grouping >= static_cast<int>(num.size()))) {
        return num;

    std::stack<char> digits;
    for (const char& c : num) {

    std::string group;
    std::vector<std::string> groups;
    while (!digits.empty()) {
        group += digits.top();

        if (static_cast<int>(group.size()) == grouping) {
            std::reverse(group.begin(), group.end());
            group = "";

    if (!group.empty()) {
        std::reverse(group.begin(), group.end());

    std::reverse(groups.begin(), groups.end());
    return std::accumulate(groups.begin(), groups.end(), std::string(),
                           [](const std::string& a, const std::string& b) {
                               return a + (a.empty() ? "" : " ") + b;

A stack processes the digits in the number from right to left. The algorithm pops characters off the stack into a group string. When that group string hits the grouping limit, it’s saved off in the groups vector and group is reset. Rinse and repeat.

Processing happens from right to left meaning there’s a reversal that needs to happen for each group string and for the entire groups vector. Without this reversal, the digits come out backwards in the output.

C++ doesn’t have a nice join() method like Python. Instead, you get to use the beautiful std::accumulate API to concatenate each string in groups using a single space as a separator. The concatenated string is the output of the function.

Testing the Implementation

At this point, you have a working conversion utility! The rest of the implementation focuses on command line argument parsing and input validation. You can check out the full source linked at the end of this article if you’re interested in those bits.

Lets test drive this tool:

dhb hex dec 0xDEADBEEF --> 3735928559
dhb dec bin 3735928559 --> 11011110101011011011111011101111
dhb dec oct 3735928559 --> 33653337357
dhb -g 4 dec hex 3735928559 --> DEAD BEEF
dhb -g 4 -w 12 dec hex 3735928559 --> 0000 DEAD BEEF

So far so good. Lets use a massive number like 2^64 * 12345 (AKA 227725055589944414699520). The tool should be able to handle that:

dhb --grouping 3 dec dec 227725055589944414699520 --> 227 725 055 589 944 414 699 520
dhb dec hex 227725055589944414699520 --> 30390000000000000000
dhb dec oct 227725055589944414699520 --> 60162000000000000000000000
dhb --grouping 8 hex bin --> 110000 00111001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Nice, looks to be working with big integers too.

The project includes a more complete suite of tests that exercises all the different conversion permutations.


The dhb utility has been of great use. The process of implementing the tool was relatively straightforward. I credit the simplicity to identifying early on the primary use cases and not tacking on too many bells and whistles along the way.

The complete project source with build instructions, usage, etc. is available on GitHub under dhb.