Do you enjoy the sound of a mechanical keyboard? What if it was possible to achieve the sound of the keys clacking without having an actual mechanical keyboard? That was the idea that spawned this keyboard hell (kbhell) project. That and trolling friends by playing a soundbite every time they press a key!

Getting Started

When a user performs any keystroke, a audio file gets played. One of the main kbhell requirements is that it runs on both Windows and Linux. That leaves you with two problems to solve:

  1. How do you capture global keystroke events without interfering with other apps?
  2. How do you play audio on both Windows and Linux?

Lets look at how to answer these questions starting with cross-platform audio.

SDL to the Rescue

You might recall the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library from a previous article. SDL in conjunction with the SDL_mixer library provides one with the ability to play WAV, MP3, FLAC, and ton of other audio formats. More importantly, the SDL/SDL_mixer libraries are portable. You could write a audio player utility that uses these libraries and it will work without modification on Windows and Linux.

To keep things simple, kbhell will support only the WAVE/WAV audio file format. The WAV format is arguably the most commonly used, lossless uncompressed audio format. A WavPlayer utility class does what the name suggests. Below is an excerpt from the wav_player.hpp header showing the public API:

class WavPlayer {
    explicit WavPlayer(const std::string& sound_file);
    void Play();

The code provides a path to a WAV audio file on construction. The constructor makes sure the file exists and that the host PC’s audio subsystem is available. Play() plays the WAV audio over the host’s speakers. Successive calls to Play() restart the WAV audio from the beginning if the previous calls’ audio didn’t play to completion. Errors in both construction and play result in exceptions.

You now have a cross-platform means of playing soundbites. All that remains is capturing global keystroke events.

Listening for Keyboard Events

There is no cross-platform way to listen for global keystroke events. Its OS specific. As a result, the main program loop requires some abstraction:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (argc != 2) {

    try {
        kbhell::WavPlayer player(argv[1]);
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << std::endl;


The driver checks for a single positional argument, a WAV file path, constructs a WavPlayer object, and passes the WAV player off to the RunEventLoop() function.

Lets look at how to implement RunEventLoop() on each OS starting with Linux.

Linux Event Loop

On Linux, a display server program coordinates IO with the many client programs running on the desktop. The server is responsible for making the GUI possible. The desktop environment (for example, i3, Unity, XFCE, etc.) works with the display server to render what you see on screen. If you want to query global IO events, you communicate with the display server. There are two mainstream display servers: X11 and Wayland. You can find endless debates online over which one’s better than the other. Given X11 is the most popular display server technology, kbhell’s keystroke capture routine uses X11’s API.

X11 is an ancient, complex beast. The X Record Extensions Library makes it possible to capture global key events. Luckily, an example demoing how to pickup on global keystrokes using the record extension was available. The Linux RunEventLoop() implementation is an adaptation of the example:

void KeyCallback(XPointer closure, XRecordInterceptData* hook) {
    if (hook->category != XRecordFromServer) {

    kbhell::WavPlayer* player = reinterpret_cast<kbhell::WavPlayer*>(closure);
    XRecordDatum* data = reinterpret_cast<XRecordDatum*>(hook->data);

    int event_type = data->type;
    BYTE keycode = data->event.u.u.detail;
    const int kEsc = 9;
    switch (event_type) {
        case KeyRelease:
            if (keycode == kEsc) { /* if ESC is pressed at any time, exit */
                exit_event_loop = true;
            } else {

void kbhell::RunEventLoop(WavPlayer& player) {

    if (!::XRecordEnableContextAsync(data_disp, record_ctx, KeyCallback,
                                     reinterpret_cast<::XPointer>(&player))) {
        throw std::runtime_error("could not enable record context");

    while (!exit_event_loop) {


Note, not included in this snippet are the myriad of resource allocate and deallocate calls. Starting from the RunEventLoop() function, you see a call to ::XRecordEnableContextAsync(). ::XRecordEnableContextAsync() registers a callback function that gets triggered whenever an X event occurs. X events can be just about any GUI event you can imagine: keystrokes, mouse movements, etc. Notice how the WavPlayer object, player, is an argument to the callback. That’s critical because you want the callback to have a pointer to the player so it can actually play the sound on a key event. ::XRecordEnableContextAsync() immediately returns causing the main loop to begin processing record events until the exit_event_loop flag goes high.

KeyCallback() is where the magic happens. The callback function filters for key release events and triggers the player object’s Play() function whenever the user releases a key. The only exception is the escape key which sets exit_event_loop to true causing the kbhell application to terminate.

That’s it on the Linux side. How does Windows compare?

Windows Event Loop

The Windows event loop is a doozy. The Windows API provides hooks as a mechanism for listening for general system messages including keyboard events. Similar to the X11 Record extension, the Windows API has you register a callback. The callback gets triggered every time a global keyboard event occurs. That said, there are significant API differences. For one, you can’t pass the callback any custom data. Post callback registration, you have to run a message pump. One caveat is that you can’t do additional work in the message processing thread.

A multithreaded approach makes sense here. The main application thread kicks off a keyboard listener thread. The keyboard listener thread registers the low level keyboard hook and runs the required message pump. The keyboard hook itself uses a condition variable to signal the main thread when a key release event has occurred. Below you can see the keyboard listener thread function and keyboard callback.

LRESULT CALLBACK KeyCallback(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
    if (nCode < 0) {
        return CallNextHookEx(nullptr, nCode, wParam, lParam);

    KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT* kbinfo = reinterpret_cast<KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*>(lParam);
    if (wParam == WM_KEYUP) {
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(key_released_mtx);
        key_released = true;
        if (VK_ESCAPE == kbinfo->vkCode) {
            exit_event_loop = true; /* signal the main driver thread to exit */
            PostQuitMessage(0);     /* signal this kbd hook thread to exit */

    return CallNextHookEx(nullptr, nCode, wParam, lParam);

void InstallHook() {
    HHOOK kbd_hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, &KeyCallback, 0, 0);
    if (!kbd_hook) {

    MSG message;
    while (GetMessage(&message, nullptr, 0, 0)) {


The InstallHook() function binds to a thread on kbhell startup. InstallHook() installs the low level keyboard hook and then executes the required message pump in the while loop. The KeyCallback() hook signals the main thread when a key release has occurred via the key_released_cv condition variable. The callback also signals program termination to both threads via exit_event_loop and PostQuitMessage(). exit_event_loop tells the main thread it’s time to shutdown. PostQuitMessage() breaks out of the message loop in InstallHook() unhooking KeyCallback() and terminating the key listener thread in the process.

Below is the kbhell event loop:

void kbhell::RunEventLoop(WavPlayer& player) {
    /* launch a seperate thread hosting a low level keyboard hook */
    std::thread kbd_event_thrd(InstallHook);

    while (!exit_event_loop) {
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(key_released_mtx);
        /* wait until a key release event has occurred */
        key_released_cv.wait(lock, [] { return key_released; });

        key_released = false;

    if (kbd_event_thrd.joinable()) {

RunEventLoop() executes in the main application thread. It spawns the kbd_event_thrd which registers and runs the low level keyboard hook code. RunEventLoop() waits for signal from kbd_event_thrd indicating a key release event has occurred before playing the soundbite.

The Windows code is a bit more complicated than the Linux side driver. That said, you’ll find that the Windows documentation is better than the X11 documentation. The difference in docs made the Windows code less painful to write.


Now bask in the glory of the end result:

Overall, this project has a lot of hidden complexity. In particular, understanding the API for processing global key events in Windows and Linux was challenging. Both OSes provide conceptually similar solutions though the fine details can bite you.

The complete project source with build instructions, usage, etc. is available on GitHub under kbhell.