If you’re an embedded systems programmer, you have likely touched on the topic of real-time operating systems (RTOS). There are plenty of commercial RTOSes available on the market: VxWorks, Integrity, DeOS, Helix, the list goes on. As a hobbyist, you may not have thousands of dollars to spend paying for commercial licenses. Real-time Linux can fill the void by providing a path to a soft real-time system.

This post takes a tour through the advice given in John Ogness’s 2020 presentation: “A Checklist for Writing Linux Real-Time Applications”. You’ll explore how to optimize a Linux system and application for real-time execution using John’s real-time Linux development checklist.

Who Needs a Real-time System

Setting up and tuning a Linux real-time system is a time consuming task. Before diving in, consider what an RTOS provides:

  1. Low Latency: Latency is a measure of the delay from when you tell the system to perform an action until the system actually starts executing that action.
  2. Determinism: An RTOS provides deterministic scheduling policies. You can orchestrate software components such that they run within specific time frames.

If your application requires (1) and (2), then it’s a worthy endeavor to setup a real-time system.

Now, do you need a soft or a hard real-time system? What’s the difference? It all relates to the application’s deadlines.

Soft vs Hard RT

In hard real-time systems, the OS must meet task deadlines otherwise the system may fail or fault. In soft real-time systems, the system is resilient to task overruns and won’t fail if a deadline isn’t met.

Many control systems require hard real-time execution. For example, a flight control application which continuously misses its deadlines can accumulate enough error to cause loss of control. In contrast, some applications need only soft real-time. Take for example a weather station application sampling an array of unsynchronized sensors at a steady interval. Missing a deadline in this situation isn’t catastrophic as long as the sample time is “close enough” to the other sensor samples. Again, you have to look at your application requirements and decide which real-time variant makes sense.

The aim of this post is to provide tips for the setup of a near optimal soft real-time Linux system. Achieving hard real-time isn’t possible given that the Linux kernel isn’t designed to guarantee deadlines. Benchmarking and performance monitoring are critical in verifying timing requirements on RT Linux system.

Real-time Kernel Patches

The first step to setting up a RT Linux system is to make the kernel fully preemptible via the real-time kernel patches. You can apply the PREEMPT_RT patches to your kernel using the steps listed below:

  1. Make note of your kernel’s X.Y.Z version number. Typically, the git branch name will include the version number.
  2. Go to kernel.org and download the *.gz containing the patch files for your particular kernel version.
  3. Apply the patches:
cd linux/ gzip -cd
/path/to/patch-4.19.94-rt39.patch.gz | patch -p1 --verbose
  1. Verify there are no *.rej files in your Linux source tree.

Kernel Configuration

Getting the right kernel configuration is critical in reducing latency. Below is a table of the configurations you will want to enable/disable. See the config option footnotes for more details.

CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT_FULLONGeneral Setup -> Preemption Model -> Fully Preemptible Kernel (RT)
CONFIG_SOFTLOCKUP_DETECTOROFFKernel hacking -> Debug Lockups and Hangs -> Detect Soft Lockups
CONFIG_DETECT_HUNG_TASKOFFKernel hacking -> Debug Lockups and Hangs -> Detect Hung Tasks
HZ_1000ONKernel Features -> Timer frequency -> 1000 Hz
CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULLONGeneral Setup -> Timers subsystem -> Timer tick handling -> Full dynticks system (tickless)
CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_PERFORMANCEONCPU Power Management -> CPU Frequency Scaling -> ‘performance’ governor
CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_POWERSAVEOFFCPU Power Management -> CPU Frequency Scaling -> ‘powersave’ governor
CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMANDOFFCPU Power Management -> CPU Frequency Scaling -> ‘ondemand’ cpufreq governor
CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_CONSERVATIVEOFFCPU Power Management -> CPU Frequency Scaling -> ‘conservative’ cpufreq governor
CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_SCHEDUTILOFFCPU Power Management -> CPU Frequency Scaling -> ‘schedutil’ cpufreq policy governor
CONFIG_DEBUGOFFKernel hacking -> *

Scheduling Policies

Linux Scheduling Policies

Linux provides three real-time scheduling policies.

  • SCHED_FIFO: A scheduling policy based on static priorities (1-99). A task can only lose the CPU if a higher priority task comes or via hardware interrupts.
  • SCHED_RR: The same as SCHED_FIFO with the added twist that if two tasks have the same priority, then they will execute in round robin fashion using a configurable timeslice.
  • SCHED_DEADLINE: Each task gets a budget Q (AKA runtime) and a period P telling the kernel that the task requires Q time units every P time units on any processor.

RT scheduling policies only apply to RT tasks! All other tasks use SCHED_OTHER and have their CPU time controlled via nice values. You set an RT the scheduling policy in one of two ways: programmatically or using the chrt utility.

If you prefer setting the scheduling policy from your boot or run scripts, chrt is the way to go:

Set Policy:
    chrt [opts] <policy> <prio> <pid>
    chrt [opts] <policy> <prio> cmd [<arg> ...]
Scheduling Policies
    -f, --fifo      set policy to SCHED_FIFO
    -r, --rr        set policy to SCHED_RR

You can also code the scheduling policy and priority directly:

#include <sched.h>

struct sched_param param;

param.sched_priority = 80;
sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &param);

SCHED_FIFO is the most common and easy to reason about policy. You’ll want to be careful with any of the priority based policies to never set a task’s priority to 99. You don’t want your application taking time away from critical kernel threads.

By default the Linux kernel limits the amount of time all real-time tasks get on the CPU. If the total CPU time of all RT tasks exceeds 95% of a second, then for the remaining 5% of that second no RT task runs! This is equivalent to bad priority inversion and breaks a real-time system. You can disable this policy by writing -1 to /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us:

echo "-1" > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us

This setting isn’t a kernel configuration option. You have to repeat the command every time you reboot or write a boot script to clear it for you!

Isolating CPUs

On multicore systems, you can improve determinism by pinning tasks to specific cores. There’s a couple ways to do this:

  • Explicitly set CPU affinities via the taskset utility or programmatically.
  • Edit kernel boot parameters to set default CPU affinity masks for all tasks (including kernel tasks).
  • Set CPU affinity masks for routing HW interrupt handling.

Setting CPU Affinities

A task’s CPU affinity is a bitmask specifying what CPU cores the scheduler can put the task on. You can control CPU affinity down to the thread level. You can use the taskset utility to set affinities from your scripts:

taskset [options] mask command [arg]...
taskset [options] -p [mask] pid

You can also set affinities programmatically:

/* Need to define _GNU_SOURCE since sched_setaffinity() is not part of POSIX but
implemented in glibc. */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <sched.h>

cpu_set_t set;

CPU_SET(0, &set);
CPU_SET(1, &set);
sched_setaffinity(pid, CPU_SETSIZE, &set);

CPU Isolation via Kernel Boot Parameters

The kernel provides two boot parameters to regulate CPU utilization:

  1. maxcpus=n: Limits the kernel to bring up N CPUs.
  2. isolcpus=cpulist: Specifies the CPUs to isolate from disturbances.

maxcpus tells the kernel to at most use N CPUs. As an example, suppose you have a 4 core system. With maxcpus=2, Linux would take two CPUs for itself and leave the other two completely alone. This feature is useful when one wants to run bare metal applications on the “reserved” CPUs that can communicate with the processes running on the cores used by Linux.

isolcpus tells the kernel to be aware of the CPUs you specify in the argument cpulist, but don’t schedule any tasks including kernel tasks on those CPUs. You can later tell Linux to schedule your RT tasks on those isolated CPUs.

Hardware Interrupt Affinities

When a hardware interrupt enters the system, any CPU may service that interrupt. This can cause latency increases if the CPU your RT task is running on services the interrupt. So how do you re-route interrupts to CPUs not running your RT tasks?

As a first step, set the default CPU affinity for HW interrupt handling on interrupt handler registration. You can view and configure these settings via /proc/irq/default_smp_affinity.

For registered interrupts, you can update their affinities via /proc/irq/<irq-number>/smp_affinity. Be aware, some hardware can’t perform this IRQ re-routing. After making a change in smp_affinity, always check that the setting stuck by querying /proc/irq/<irq-number>/effective_affinity!

Beware of Caching

When partitioning your tasks among the different cores, take into consideration caches and their layout. Two or more cores may share a number of caches. You may experience adverse side effects on the RT side as the non-RT processes invalidate portions of the cache! You want to look at the reference manual for your CPU to see the cache layout. Afterward, create a core-to-task assignment that reduces cache contention.

Memory Management

Simplistic Virtual Address Space

How an RT application manages memory deserves some attention. Going back to college and your OS course, you may remember that processes work with memory in chunks called pages. When a process requests memory or accesses a page not currently in memory, a page fault occurs. The OS’s page fault handler services the fault by loading the missing page to memory. This is an expensive operation and one you want to avoid in a RT application.

What are all the sources of a page fault your applications may encounter? There are many memory accesses that may trigger page faults:

  • Text Segment
  • Initialized Data Segment
  • Uninitialized Data Segment
  • Stack
  • Heap

There’s a couple of tricks you can employ to avoid page faults:

  1. Tuning glibc’s malloc
  2. Locking Allocated Pages
  3. Prefaulting

The following sections look at each strategy in more detail.

Tuning glibc’s malloc

glibc’s malloc can request memory in more than one way. Under the hood, malloc will by default make mmap calls to the kernel to get memory which is not part of the processes’ heap. When this mmap‘ed memory gets released, it’s not immediately available for reuse by the process.

Luckily, malloc is configurable via mallopt. You can disable memory allocation via mmap by clearing the M_MMAP_MAX option:

#include <malloc.h>

mallopt(M_MMAP_MAX, 0);

This setting will tell malloc to never call mmap and instead always allocate memory using the processes’ heap. The memory in this heap area will be available for reuse even after a call to free.

There’s one more glibc malloc behavior you want to disable and that’s heap trimming. malloc will look at the heap and trim large contiguous blocks of free memory. You don’t want to be losing page sized chunks of memory you previously payed the page fault tax to access. To disable this feature:

#include <malloc.h>

mallopt(M_TRIM_THRESHOLD, -1);

Locking Allocated Pages

It’s important that you lock all current and future pages of your processes’ virtual address space to RAM. you can tell the kernel to do this using the mlockall sys call:

#include <sys/mman.h>



To avoid page faults during runtime, you’ll want to take the page faulting “hit” early on at application startup. To do that you prefault the heap. To do this correctly, you’ll need to calculate your application’s worst case space usage. Here’s how you prefault the heap:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void prefault_heap(int size)
    char *dummy;
    int i;

    dummy = malloc(size);
    if (!dummy)

    for (i = 0; i < size; i += sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE))
        dummy[i] = 1;


Notice the write to each page. The write guarantees that a page fault gets triggered and that the page is actually loaded into RAM. The combination of malloc tuning and memory page locking ensures all the heap memory your application needs will be sitting in RAM.

But wait, there’s more! You should similarly prefault the stack. Here’s a routine to do just that:

#include <unistd.h>

#define MAX_SAFE_STACK (512 * 1024)

void prefault_stack(void)
    unsigned char dummy[MAX_SAFE_STACK];
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < size; i += sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE))
        dummy[i] = 1;

This function creates a massive 512kb stack frame and then touches each page that forms that frame once. When the function returns, the pages that form the now 512kb stack space will remain since you previously locked down memory with mlockall.

Locking and Synchronization

Locks are important in any application that needs mutual exclusion. When in need of mutual exclusion in an RT Linux app, always go with pthread_mutex! What about semaphores? Semaphores are a no go since they don’t have a notion of ownership. In contrast, the kernel knows when a lower priority task owns/holds a pthread_mutex. The kernel temporarily boosts the task’s priority so that it runs and frees the lock allowing a higher priority task to acquire the lock. This is what’s known as priority boosting or inheritance and it’s how Linux resolves the priority inversion problem. The image below illustrates this concept. You can imagine Resource A is a lock under contention.

Priority Inheritance

To get pthread_mutex to behave as described, you have to tell the kernel to employ priority inheritance. Set the PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT option via the pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol system call. Here’s an example of how to setup and use your mutex:

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;

pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(&mattr, PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT);
pthread_mutex_init(&lock, &mattr);

/* critical section */



When it comes to signaling within or among RT applications, there are two approaches to consider:

  • Standard Signals: These are the signals in the SIG* family that get caught by an application using sigaction.
  • pthread_cond Signals: These are condition objects typically associated with a pthread_mutex that synchronize notification between threads/processes.

Avoid standard signals in an RT application. Why? The context when a signal handler executes is hard or near impossible to predict. Are you holding a lock? Are you priority boosted? Worse yet, there are differences in behavior among the different glibc implementations. Avoid signals in your RT application.

pthread_cond condition variables are safe to use in your RT app. The only caveat is that you make sure to notify waiting threads/processes before releasing a lock! As an example of why it’s important to notify waiters before releasing locks, consider this scenario on a uniprocessor system:

  1. Task 1 priority 50 gets scheduled and acquires a shared lock.
  2. Task 2 priority 60 gets scheduled (Task 1 gets descheduled due to lower priority).
  3. Task 2 requests the lock.
  4. Kernel boosts Task 1 priority to 60 and schedules it.
  5. Task 1 completes its critical section and releases the lock.
  6. Kernel de-boosts Task 1 back to priority 50 and schedules Task 2.
  7. Task 2 acquires the lock.
  8. Task 2 waits forever on a signal that will never come from Task 1!

To avoid this scenario, always notify receivers before releasing a lock when working with POSIX condition variables. Here’s a code snippet illustrating proper signaling:

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_cond_t cond;

/* receiver side */
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &lock);
/* We have been signaled. */

/* sender side */
/* critical section */

Clocks and Cyclic Tasks

When it comes to clocks in an RT app, you want to stick with the POSIX functions for clock specification (that is, the clock_* family of functions). There are a number of clock types:

  • CLOCK_REALTIME: System-wide real-time clock.
  • CLOCK_MONOTONIC: Clock representing monotonic time since some unspecified starting point.
  • CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: High-resolution per-process timer from the CPU.
  • CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID: Thread-specific CPU-time clock.

CLOCK_MONOTONIC is what you want to use in your app. The monotonic clock always moves forward and respects the human definition for seconds. There’s no adjustment due to NTP, accounting for daylight savings, etc. It provides a constant tick from some starting point.

When working with time, you want to use absolute time values. Calculating relative times is risky because the execution itself takes time. It’s best to compute when you next want to wakeup and then wakeup at that time. Here’s a short snippet that shows a cyclical task using CLOCK_MONOTONIC and absolute time calculations to set its next wakeup.

#include <time.h>

#define CYCLE_TIME_NS (100 * 1000 * 1000)
#define NSEC_PER_SEC (1000 * 1000 * 1000)

static void norm_ts(struct timespec *tv)
    while (tv->tv_nsec >= NSEC_PER_SEC) {
        tv->tv_nsec -= NSEC_PER_SEC;

void cyclic_task_main(void)
    struct timespec tv;

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tv);

    while (1) {
        /* do stuff */

        /* wait for the next cycle */
        tv.tv_nsec += CYCLE_TIME_NS;
        clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, &tv, NULL);

Evaluating a Real-time System

Cyclictest is one of the best tools to use in evaluating your real-time system. What’s Cyclictest?

Cyclictest accurately and repeatedly measures the difference between a thread’s intended wake-up time and the time at which it actually wakes up in order to provide statistics about the system’s latencies.

Here are a couple key points to keep in mind when working with Cyclictest:

  • Test parameters matter. The parameters you pass to Cyclictest determine the latencies measured by the test. Read the manpage, checkout examples, and make sure you understand what latencies get measured.
  • Reduce the “observer effect” as much as you can. The execution of Cyclictest itself can affect the latencies measured. There’s ways to combat this issue such as isolating the Cyclictest main thread to a unused CPU. See the FAQ for more details.
  • System load matters. You are going to want to test with a representative system load. Representative in this case means simulating CPU use, memory use, I/O, network use, etc. There are tools like hackbench and existing strategies that can assist you in crafting realistic loads.

A resource worth mentioning is the OSADL website.

OSADL (Open Source Automation Development Lab) uses Cyclictest to continuously monitor the latencies of several systems.

On the OSADL site, they share a script that you can run on your system to generate a histogram plot of latencies as shown below.

Latency Histogram

If you choose to use the OSADL script, make sure you update Cyclictest parameters so that you are testing for the right latencies on your system! OSADL latency plots include the parameters used to run Cyclictest on the platform under test. You can take those parameters and try them out on your system to see how one platform compares to another.

The value of interest that Cyclictest outputs is the maximum worst case latency detected. When interpreting this value, keep in mind that this is the worst latency that was measured. The measured maximum doesn’t necessarily equal the system’s worst case latency!


In the world of embedded development, some applications have tight timing and scheduling requirements that necessitate the use of a real-time system. Linux provides a path to a soft real-time system via its PREEMPT_RT patches which make the kernel fully preemptible. In the quest to reduce latencies and improve determinism, one must configure the kernel and their application to avoid pitfalls which could lead to system failure. Luckily, there are plenty of techniques, tools, and resources to help you standup a RT Linux system that meets your needs.