Have you implemented a shared pointer class in C++? If you have, did you do it in an interview setting? You might be familiar with the STL shared_ptr and the fact that many implementations of shared_ptr use reference counting to manage the lifetime of a dynamically allocated object. That said, if you’ve never thought about or tried to actually implement the concept itself, doing so in an interview is a tall order. This article walks you through the implementation of an interview grade SharedPtr class.

How to Reference Count

When you think about implementing a shared pointer, what comes to mind? Wrapping the user’s pointer and counting how many SharedPtr objects point to the same location seems like a reasonable strategy. Here’s a first attempt at setting up this bookkeeping:

template <typename T>
class SharedPtr {
    T* data_;
    std::size_t ref_count_;

This declaration is mostly correct. The T* data_ member is right. You need a way of sharing and accessing the data. What better way than a pointer to the data. After all, a shared pointer is a lightweight wrapper around a raw pointer. The std::size_t ref_count_ variable seems like a good idea, however, it doesn’t work for ref counting. Why? What happens when you copy, assign, destroy, or call Reset() on a SharedPtr? In those instances, you need to decrement/increment the ref_count_. You can certainly update the ref_count_ in the object performing the operation. However, there’s no clear way to communicate the increment/decrement to all other SharedPtr instances wrapping the same data_ pointer.

What’s the trick? Change the declaration of ref_count_ to std::size_t* ref_count_. The ref count itself is a pointer that’s shared by all SharedPtr instances wrapping the same data_ pointer. The first SharedPtr to wrap data_ is responsible for allocating ref_count_. When ref_count_ hits 0, ref_count_ deallocates along with data_.

Lets work an example. Consider the code below:

void Nonsense() {
    SharedPtr<int> p1(new int(42));
    SharedPtr<int> p2 = p1;

How do p1 and p2 evolve from when you first enter the Nonsense() function’s scope until right before destruction? Try going line-by-line starting with the instantiation of p1:

                                 +------------+      +-----------------+
                                 |     P1     |      |   Main Memory   |
                                 +------------+      +-----------------+
SharedPtr<int> p1(new int(42));  |  data_     +----->| 42              |
                                 +------------+      +-----------------+
                                 | ref_count_ +----->| 1               |
                                 +------------+      +-----------------+

Nothing too crazy here. You wrap a pointer to the value 42. Your ref count points to a value of 1. What happens when you assign p1 to p2?

                         +------------+      +-----------------+     
                         |     P1     |      |   Main Memory   |     
                         +------------+      +-----------------+     
                         | data_      +----->| 42              |<-+  
                         +------------+      +-----------------+  |  
                         | ref_count_ +----->| 2               |<-+-+
                         +------------+      +-----------------+  | |
SharedPtr<int> p2 = p1;                                           | |
                         +------------+                           | |
                         |     P2     |                           | |
                         +------------+                           | |
                         | data_      +---------------------------+ |
                         +------------+                             |
                         | ref_count_ +-----------------------------+

Here the SharedPtr works its magic. Both p1 and p2 point to the same data in memory via a copy of the data_ pointer. You bookkeep ref_count_ during the assignment in p2. Specifically, *ref_count_ gets incremented from 1 to 2. The key thing to note is that even though the increment to ref_count_ came from the p2 object, p1 sees the change. Why? Because p1 and p2 point to the same area in memory containing the ref_count_ value.


The SharedPtr API is similar in spirit to the STL’s shared_ptr:

template <typename T>
class SharedPtr {
  explicit SharedPtr(T* data);

  SharedPtr(const SharedPtr& sp);
  SharedPtr& operator=(SharedPtr rhs);
  SharedPtr(SharedPtr&& sp);
  SharedPtr& operator=(SharedPtr&& rhs);

  const T& operator*() const;
  T& operator*();

  bool Empty() const;
  std::size_t RefCount() const;
  void Reset(T* data);

  template <typename U>
  friend void Swap(SharedPtr<U>& a, SharedPtr<U>& b);

Here are the key features starting from the top:

  • SharedPtr is a template class that wraps a pointer to any type T.
  • You can default construct SharedPtr.
  • Included is a constructor that takes ownership of a raw pointer.
  • You can copy/move construct and assign SharedPtr objects.
  • The dereference operator gets overloaded.
  • One can verify whether the pointer is empty or NULL.
  • One can access the reference count.
  • You can wrap another dynamically allocated object without leaking memory to the originally wrapped object via a Reset() call.

You’ll notice a friend Swap() method towards the end of the declaration. Swap() implements the copy-and-swap idiom. Swap() simplifies the implementation of copy assignment and move construction/assignment. More on that later.

The Basics

Construction, dereferencing, ref counting, and empty/NULL checks have a straightforward implementation:

template <typename T>
SharedPtr<T>::SharedPtr() : data_(nullptr), ref_count_(nullptr) {}

template <typename T>
SharedPtr<T>::SharedPtr(T* data)
    : data_(data), ref_count_(new std::size_t(1)) {}

template <typename T>
bool SharedPtr<T>::Empty() const { return (!data_ && !ref_count_); }

template <typename T>
std::size_t SharedPtr<T>::RefCount() const {
  if (Empty()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("cannot return ref count of NULL SharedPtr");
  return *ref_count_;

template <typename T>
const T& SharedPtr<T>::operator*() const {
  if (Empty()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("cannot dereference NULL SharedPtr");
  return *data_;

template <typename T>
T& SharedPtr<T>::operator*() {
  if (Empty()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("cannot dereference NULL SharedPtr");
  return *data_;

This implementation throws std::runtime_error when a user attempts to access the reference count or data of an uninitialized SharedPtr. This was a decision made to make the class more test friendly and avoid any undefined behavior. It’s also worth mentioning that the call to new in the nondefault constructor has the potential to throw std::bad_alloc along with introducing the overhead of an allocation. Since you’re already using exceptions for error handling and wrapping dynamically allocated objects, the latter “issues” are probably negligible in most codebases opting to use SharedPtr.

Reference Counter Bookkeeping

The core of the SharedPtr implementation is how the ref_count_ member gets updated. That is, you need to manage ref_count_ increment/decrement and guarantee the wrapped resource gets released when ref_count_ reaches 0. To do this right, you can enumerate all the places ref_count_ gets updated.

ref_count_ gets incremented:

  • On nondefault construction.
  • On copy construction.

ref_count_ gets decremented:

  • On destruction.
  • On copy or move assignment.
  • After a call to Reset().

Decrement happens more often and has the added overhead of checking whether the ref_count_ reached 0. In the interest of not duplicating the decrement and ref count check code, I implemented a utility method: DecrementRefCount():

template <typename T>
void SharedPtr<T>::DecrementRefCount() {
  if (Empty()) {

  *ref_count_ -= 1;
  if (0 == *ref_count_) {
    delete data_;
    delete ref_count_;
    data_ = nullptr;
    ref_count_ = nullptr;

DecrementRefCount() makes the implementation of the remaining API methods relatively straightforward:

template <typename T>
SharedPtr<T>::~SharedPtr() {
  data_ = nullptr;
  ref_count_ = nullptr;

template <typename T>
SharedPtr<T>::SharedPtr(const SharedPtr<T>& sp)
    : data_(sp.data_), ref_count_(sp.ref_count_) {
  *ref_count_ += 1;

template <typename T>
SharedPtr<T>& SharedPtr<T>::operator=(SharedPtr rhs) {
  Swap(*this, rhs);

  return *this;

template <typename T>
SharedPtr<T>::SharedPtr(SharedPtr&& sp) : SharedPtr<T>() {
  Swap(*this, sp);

template <typename T>
SharedPtr<T>& SharedPtr<T>::operator=(SharedPtr&& rhs) {

  Swap(*this, rhs);

  return *this;

template <typename T>
void SharedPtr<T>::Reset(T* data) {

  data_ = data;
  ref_count_ = new std::size_t(1);

The copy-and-swap idiom helps implement copy/move assignment and the move constructor. Critical to the use of this idiom is the implementation of a Swap() function that can swap the state of two SharedPtr objects:

template <typename U>
friend void Swap(SharedPtr<U>& a, SharedPtr<U>& b) {
  using std::swap;
  swap(a.data_, b.data_);
  swap(a.ref_count_, b.ref_count_);

The post linked at the end of this article explains the rationale behind the idiom and dives into the gritty details.


Creating a SharedPtr class is an interesting problem with some fun edge cases and quirks. It’s not too hard to understand why someone would want to ask a question like this. Getting a proper implementation requires some diagramming and careful bookkeeping. Questions around error handling and memory management also come up. Now whether it’s a good question for a 30min interview is another story.

The complete project source with build instructions, usage, etc. is available on GitHub under shared_ptr.