Have you been away from your PC and wished you could login and start a job or view a file? Do you run Linux on your PC and use an Android phone? If you answered yes to these questions, you came to the right place. In this article, you’ll see how to connect to and control your Linux PC from anywhere in the world using your Android phone.

Required Software

On your Linux PC, install the following packages using your distro’s package manager:

On your Android device, install the following apps via the Google PlayStore:

PC Side Setup

On the PC side, you need to standup the VNC server and the OpenSSH service.

VNC Server

The “TigerVNC on Linux” article goes into detail on setting up a TigerVNC client/server on Linux. In this case, you only need to configure and launch the TigerVNC server. Follow the steps below to setup the server on your Linux PC:

  1. Create a password by running vncpasswd. The password file saves to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tigervnc/passwd. Make sure passwd has its permissions set to 0600.

  2. Add users by editing /etc/tigervnc/vncserver.users. Below is an example vncserver.users file containing a single user, ieg, assigned to display :1:

  1. Create $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tigervnc/config. Below is an example configuration. Set session and geometry according to your needs. Note, session is the name of the desktop environment installed on your PC. You can run echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP to retrieve the desktop name.
  1. Start your VNC server service using systemd. Set the display number to match the display number you configured in vncserver.users. For example:
sudo systemctl start vncserver@:1.service


  1. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config (requires sudo) and set the GatewayPorts setting to yes.
  2. start/enable the sshd service:
sudo systemctl start sshd

To add a bit of security to your SSH config, apply these settings to sshd_config:

  • Specify what users may SSH to the PC by defining AllowUsers. For example, AllowUsers foo bar makes it so only the users foo and bar can SSH to the PC.
  • Disallow root login by setting PermitRootLogin no.
  • Change the SSH port from the default \(22\) to some random, unused port. You can set the option using the Port config item. For example, Port 31456. Valid ports are in the range \([1024, 65535]\). Just be sure to pick a port that isn’t used by some other application.
  • Set PasswordAuthentication no. This makes it so you can only enable login via public key authentication.

After saving your settings, restart the sshd service:

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Router Setup

You will need to configure port forwarding on your home router to enable SSH traffic into your home network. If you have you’re own router, you can login into the router and setup the rule. If you rent a router from an ISP, most ISPs provide an app that includes an “Advanced Settings” section from which you can setup port forwarding rules. Download the app and create the rule.

Below is an example of how you would setup SSH port forwarding using an Xfinity provided router:

  1. Sign in to the Xfinity app with your Xfinity ID and password.
  2. Select “WiFi” from the bottom navigation.
  3. Select “View WiFi” equipment.
  4. Select “Advanced Settings.”
  5. Select “Port forwarding.”
  6. Select “Add Port Forward” and continue to the next screen.
  7. Select the home equipment to redirect ports from the menu of connected devices.
  8. Setup the forwarding rule. If you followed the advice at the end of OpenSSH and changed the SSH port from the default \(22\), then enter the port number you set in sshd_config.

Here’s an example Xfinity port forwarding rule for SSH:

Xfinity Port

prim is the name of the Linux PC on the LAN. \(54446\) is the port configured for SSH on the PC. It’s fine to leave the protocol set to the “TCP/UDP” option.

Android Device Setup

On the Android device, you only need to configure settings within the ConnectBot and androidVNC applications.


  1. Open the ConnectBot app, and tap the “+” symbol at the bottom right to add a new host.
  2. Fill in the details in the “username@hostname:port” field. Username is the username of a whitelisted SSH user on the Linux PC. Hostname is the IPv4 address of your PC. You can find this information by logging into the PC and going to whatismyip.com. Port is the SSH port. The default value is \(22\). If you followed the security advice at the end of OpenSSH, then be sure to set the port to match the Port setting in your PC’s sshd_config.
  3. Tap “Use pubkey authentication” and select the “Use any unlocked key” option.
  4. Save your settings and return to the ConnectBot home screen.
  5. Select the vertical ellipses at the top right of the screen and tap on “Manage Pubkeys.”
  6. Add a new key by tapping “+” at the top right of the screen. The default 2048 bit RSA key settings are fine. Tap “Generate Key” when you’re done making your selections and follow the prompts to generate entropy.
  7. In the Pubkeys page, unlock your key by tapping it until the icon changes to that of an unlocked lock. Press and hold your key in the drop down and select “Copy public key.” ConnectBot Pubkey
  8. Transfer the public key to your Linux PC via email or some other means. On your Linux PC, add the public key to the SSH users’ ~/.ssh/authorized_users file.
  9. Back on the Android device, verify you can login to your PC via ConnectBot. Tap your host on the hosts page. You should see a shell like the one shown below. ConnectBot Session
  10. From within the shell session, tap the vertical ellipses in the top right corner and select “Port Forwards.”
  11. Add a new port forwarding rule with type set to “Local,” source port set to \(5901\) and destination set to “” ConnectBot Port Fwding


  1. Open the androidVNC app. You should be immediately prompted to create a new connection.
  2. Fill out the following fields. Set “Nickname” to whatever you would like to call this connection. “Password” is the VNC password you set on the server. “Address” is \(\). “Port” is \(5901\). All other settings can be left at their defaults. androidVNC Config
  3. Tap “Connect” in the top left to connect to your VNC server.
  4. You should see your PC desktop loading. The first frame may take awhile to load. OSRS VNC

After following the steps, did you get the following error message?

androidVNC Connection Error

Verify in the ConnectBot app your SSH connection to the Linux PC is active. The SSH connection must be active with the port forwarding rule enabled, else the androidVNC connection won’t make its way through to the server.