This article gives an overview of how to setup a Linux kernel development environment that leverages QEMU. Why should you bother with this setup? Here are the highlights:

  • Make changes to core kernel code or modules without the risk of loading buggy kernel code onto real hardware.
  • Up the speed of the edit, build, run cycle while developing kernel code.
  • The ability to test code across different architectures (for example, aarch64, x86_64, etc.).

What’s QEMU? According to Wikipedia:

QEMU (Quick Emulator) is a free and open-source emulator. It emulates a computer’s processor through dynamic binary translation and provides a set of different hardware and device models for the machine, enabling it to run a variety of guest operating systems. It can interoperate with Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) to run virtual machines at near-native speed. QEMU can also do emulation for user-level processes, allowing applications compiled for one architecture to run on another.

QEMU has three main operating modes:

  • User-mode Emulation: Run a single program compiled with a different instruction set than that of the host machine.
  • System Emulation: Emulate an entire computer system, including peripherals. This is what most people mean when they say “virtual machine.”
  • Hypervisor Support: As the name suggests, this mode has QEMU leverage a hypervisor (for example, Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine or KVM). This is the most performant option.

This article demos hypervisor support mode. Below is an illustration showing the intended setup:

| PC                                         |
|                                            |
|  +----------+                +-----------+ |
|  | Host OS  |<------SSH----->|  Guest OS | |
|  +----------+                +-----------+ |
|                                            |

The goal is to run a guest OS on your host machine. The guest OS will run a Linux distro of your choice along with your custom kernel. From within the guest, you got all the comforts of a full fledged Linux system and can poke and prod without any fear. The SSH connection makes it easy to transfer some files to/from the guest.

Install QEMU and OpenSSH

First, download and install QEMU and OpenSSH on the host machine.

The following install commands work on a Fedora 38 machine. If you are using another distro, adjust the package manager and package names!

sudo dnf install qemu qemu-image openssh

Create an Image

You’ll need a virtual disk image to install the guest OS. You can create an image using qemu-img:

qemu-img create -f raw <MY_IMAGE> 4G

You can change 4G to whatever size in gigabytes you can afford. Worth mentioning is the alternative qcow2 image format. While slower than a raw formatted image, the qcow2 image size increases during VM usage. You set a limit in gigabytes on the size of the qcow2 image during creation.

Install a Distro

The world is your oyster when it comes to distros. It doesn’t matter what distro you use. Arch Linux is a solid choice since a base install is pretty bare bones. Plus, you can tell everyone you use Arch. Download the latest ISO and follow the steps below to get started with the install.

You’ll first want to load the Arch installer by telling QEMU to boot off an emulated CD-ROM with your Arch ISO on it:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -enable-kvm \
    -cdrom <ARCH_ISO> \
    -boot order=d \
    -drive file=<MY_IMAGE>,format=raw \
    -m 4G

Lets take a moment to breakdown these options:

-enable-kvmEnable hypervisor support using the Linux KVM.
-cdromPoints to what image will be inserted into our emulated CD slot.
-bootTell QEMU we want to boot from CD-ROM.
-driveSpecifies a drive on the system. We tell QEMU about our previously created image file and its format.
-mTell QEMU the size of RAM. The more the better.

A quick side note on KVM support. It’s possible though unlikely your PC doesn’t have KVM support. If you try to run the command and QEMU complains about a lack of KVM support try the following:

  • Verify the host processor has virtualization enabled. Run lscpu | grep Virtualization. If you are on an Intel machine with virtualization enabled, the output will be Virtualization: VT-x. If your output doesn’t match, enable virtualization in the BIOS menu.
  • Some distros require your user be part of a KVM group. You can add yourself to such a group using the command: sudo usermod -aG kvm $USER. Replace kvm with name of the KVM group on your system.
  • Most mainstream distros ship a Linux kernel with KVM features enabled. If that isn’t the case for you, then you may have to tweak your kernel’s command line args or install a kernel with kvm_guest.config applied.

After running the qemu-system-x86_64 command, you will see a QEMU window that has the Arch Installer running:

QEMU Arch Installer

You can now go RTFM (that is, the Arch wiki installation guide). The alternative is to use the archinstaller script to do the heavy lifting for you. The following Youtube video has all the details on how to do just that (you can skip to the 2:16 mark):

Building the Kernel

This section assumes you know how to build and configure a Linux kernel. There are plenty of videos and tutorials online if you need a refresher.

Below are the commands for preparing a kernel meant to run in a QEMU VM:

make O=/my/build/dir defconfig
make O=/my/build/dir kvm_guest.config
make O=/my/build/dir nconfig # Optionally configure additional kernel params
make O=/my/build/dir -j$(nproc)

The only oddity is perhaps the addition of kvm_guest.config. Building this config enables a number of Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) options allowing the kernel to boot as a KVM guest. Also, re-directing the output of the build using the O= option to make isn’t necessary but does keep your kernel source tree clean.

You can cross-compile the kernel for your architecture of choice. You can then run the appropriate qemu-system-* binary to emulate that architecture on the host. However, you can’t use the KVM features across platforms. For example, if you’re on an x86_64 host and cross compile and run a aarch64 VM, then you can’t leverage the -enable-kvm switch to enable KVM features. In this example, you would have to run QEMU in system emulation mode not hypervisor mode.

Boot the Virtual Machine

Moment of truth. Time to boot the VM. This bash script gives the QEMU incantation:



qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -enable-kvm \
    -drive format=raw,file=$DISK \
    -m 4G \
    -nic user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
    -serial stdio \
    -smp 4,sockets=1,cores=2,threads=2,maxcpus=4 \
    -kernel $KERNEL \
    -append "root=/dev/sda2 console=ttyS0,115200 rw" \
    -display none

Once again, this is command line soup. Lets look at what each switch is doing.

-enable-kvmEnable hypervisor support using the Linux KVM.
-driveDefines the virtual drive (AKA the disk image we previously created and installed our distro to).
-mRAM size.
-nicSetup net options. We specify user mode and setup port forwarding for SSH.
-serialRedirect the virtual serial port. We redirect serial debug info to stdio.
-smpSimulate an SMP system. I used lscpu to pass the config of my host system but you do not have to!
-kernelPath to the kernel bzImage.
-appendThis is the kernel commandline. We tell the kernel where the rootfs is and setup the console.
-displaySelects the type of display to use. The none arg makes it so no video output is displayed.

After running the script, you will see a VM terminal. You can verify your kernel is running via the uname -a command:


If the uname command prints your kernel version, you are all set! Just one last thing left to do: setup SSH.

SSH Setup

While you won’t be developing directly on the VM, you might want to transfer a number of files between the host and VM (for example, loadable modules). SSH and the scp utility are perfect for that.

SSH’ing as root

If you don’t mind using the root account in the VM, follow these steps to login as root on the VM over SSH:

  1. Login to the VM as root.
  2. Install openssh:
pacman -Syu openssh
  1. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and uncomment PermitRootLogin yes.
  2. Stop and then enable the sshd service:
systemctl stop sshd
systemctl enable sshd
  1. From the host machine, SSH to the VM:
ssh -p 2222 root@localhost

SSH’ing as a User

If instead of using the root user you would like to login as my_user, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the VM as root. Optionally, if my_user has sudo privileges, login as my_user.
  2. Install openssh:
pacman -Syu openssh
  1. Enable the sshd service:
systemctl enable sshd
  1. From the host machine, SSH to the VM:
ssh -p 2222 my_user@localhost


If you do a lot of kernel development, a workflow that uses QEMU may be for you. Using a VM makes it easier to make and deploy kernel changes when compared to most target hardware setups. Plus, there’s the added benefit that if/when you yeet the system, you can patch your changes and just fire up a fresh VM. Also, keep in mind that QEMU can do a lot more than what’s shown here. Definitely take a look at other QEMU tutorials and experiment a bit.