Digital Image Steganography

There’s a neat Computerphile video discussing the topic of steganography. In the video, Mike Pound talks about a technique for steganography on digital images: least significant bit substitution (LSBS). The effectiveness of LSBS in concealing a secret image is surprising. This article puts least significant bit substitution to use in a command line tool for embedding one image within another. A Little Background on Digital Images You don’t need fancy image manipulation techniques to make this steganography tool work....

June 25, 2023 · 7 min

ASCII Art Generator

Who doesn’t like ASCII art? If you’re like me, you probably thought about making your own ASCII art generator before but gave up on the idea thinking that it’s too complicated. Is the time investment worth it to draw ASCII versions of your favorite LOTR characters? Well, after some Googling, I found out it’s not all that bad and set to write a ASCII art CLI tool. Project Goals The goal is simple: write a JPEG/PNG to ASCII art generator....

February 26, 2023 · 4 min