Real-time Linux App Development

If you’re an embedded systems programmer, you have likely touched on the topic of real-time operating systems (RTOS). There are plenty of commercial RTOSes available on the market: VxWorks, Integrity, DeOS, Helix, the list goes on. As a hobbyist, you may not have thousands of dollars to spend paying for commercial licenses. Real-time Linux can fill the void by providing a path to a soft real-time system. This post takes a tour through the advice given in John Ogness’s 2020 presentation: “A Checklist for Writing Linux Real-Time Applications”. You’ll explore how to optimize a Linux system and application for real-time execution using John’s real-time Linux development checklist. ...

April 27, 2023 · 15 min

ASCII Art Generator

Who doesn’t like ASCII art? If you’re like me, you probably thought about making your own ASCII art generator before but gave up on the idea thinking that it’s too complicated. Is the time investment worth it to draw ASCII versions of your favorite LOTR characters? Well, after some Googling, I found out it’s not all that bad and set to write a ASCII art CLI tool. Project Goals The goal is simple: write a JPEG/PNG to ASCII art generator. I came across a great Youtube tutorial by Raphson which shows how to construct the generator in Python: ...

February 26, 2023 · 4 min

Cosmo: A Hobby x86 OS

At the beginning of 2022, I set a personal goal to implement a bare bones OS. The first step was to define what success would look like for the project. The goal is to create an OS that could allocate a single process that adds two numbers and prints the result to the screen. It took a month long journey into the world of x86 emulators, NASM assembly, and architecture reference manuals to get remotely close. ...

February 23, 2022 · 7 min